Dark Jack Lancer

A Deltarune RP Twitter

Serious / Silly

Very Under 13 || He/Him || Spades Darkner
Appointed ruler of the Darkworld


No sexual interactionsNo ships (he's like. a preteen to me)No Alcohol for this beanHe can say big swears but gets in trouble (he showers after any time he does. what a goof)
On the topic of NSFW - TL wise with your other pals is cool but -- If you are RPing kids doing like. Bad things? Dont? Especially if you're over 18+ munwise. This includes:
Lewd jokes about the children charactersMaking them do adult acts (drugs, alcohol, etc)Sexual Interactions With Underage CharactersJust being an overall gross human being.
Please unfollow or softblock me if you are in support of these things fully or aren't willing to deal with me telling you it's Not Good if you DO do it. Thanks!